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Sep 11 2000

Jan 13 2001


              C o v e r Y o u r A S P . c o m

             Welcome to the latest newsletter!


A "feel good" week this week!

Publishing another 30 pages of articles for free access by
everybody felt good.

I like that all the content on the site is original, not
unique certainly, but at least original. On passing 150 pages
of content I realized that I really ought to use my own
category code to organize it a little better, and maybe add
a search, but they're nice problems to have.

The guys at work still have a hard time believing my "hobby
page" got 10,000 page views today (another first this week).


         A   W O R D   F R O M   M Y   S P O N S O R S


Developersdex delivers the world's largest index for
Microsoft web technologies.  Search, post, and reply to over
13 of the most popular ASP, SQL, VB and XML Usenet newsgroups.

Devdex indexes over 5,000 new resources everyday including
those from MSDN, ASP.NET, 15seconds, 4guysfromrolla,
ASPToday, XML and just to name a few.

If it's on the NET it's on Devdex!



                    T H E   D I A R Y

               The events of the last week



6 Jan

- After deleting another 20 or so bounced email addresses
from my mailing list this morning, I changed the subscription
page so that no email addresses are added until the email
address is confirmed!


8 Jan

- Arthur Flintoff suggested an obvious and easy change, which
I've made this morning. The Contact, Subscribe and
Tell-a-friend pages all pre-fill the form with the members
information you are if signed in.


9 Jan

- Made the Member Login page a little easier to understand.

- As part of the roll-out of the Silver members-only area, I
realized that Member Services wasn't available unless you
were signed in! Without knowing the benefits of membership
there wasn't much incentive to join, so I removed that


10 Jan

- Some of you have been getting errors when attempting to
save a record in the BannerStats table - that's now fixed.

- Major About-face time! OK, I didn't like the idea of
charging for content that most beginners needed before they
could do anything with my code either. And I wasn't exactly
flooded with money after offering the Silver member-only

So, I've now published all the previously hidden content -
and have gone to my backup plan for Silver membership. Many
of you ask for small individual components that you can
download individually. That's a lot more work, but since
you'll be paying for it...

Seriously, let me know what you think of this latest scheme.


11 Jan

- Mark Briscoe made a suggestion that I've now implemented.
The contact and Tell-a-friend pages now have a link back
to the page you were on originally.

- Excellent idea from Igor about the NeedAccessLevel function
in utils/login.asp. Now when you try to access a page that
needs a signed in member, like Personalize.asp, you get
redirected back to that page after signing in. May do a
little mini-article on that later...

- HTML101 - never, ever use spaces in your URLs. I uploaded
26 images yesterday for the new tutorials, and 24 of them
had spaces in their name. So I just got a bunch of 404
emails from users who browsed my site with Netscape 4.7 -
it couldn't cope...hehehehe!

- I've updated the download zip file to incorporate all
the recent changes...


           R E C O M M E N D   T H E   S I T E !

        Please recommend my site to your colleagues


As you've probably seen, three new articles this week:

"Running ASP on your PC - installing Personal Web Server"

The first stage to complete before running the CoverYourASP
download on your PC - making ASP pages run at all...

"Installing the CoverYourASP download on your PC"

After setting up your web server, how to download, install
and configure my source code on your PC...

"Troubleshooting the CoverYourASP download on your PC"

Strange errors when you go to http://localhost/cya? It's
probably something I've heard about before...a few hundred


              H E R O   O F   T H E   W E E K !

Charles Carroll gets the honor this week.

The creator of and the astonishing must spend an amazing amount of time
moderating the lists.

If you're serious about ASP, you should be able to find at
least 4 or 5 lists that interest you.

One particular posting by Charles caught my eye this week
on the aspng list - and in part this led to my decision to
publish all the content that I'd put in the members-only

Read it:


               N E E D   A N   A S P   I S P ?

        Use mine. You won't find a nicer bunch of guys.

           Cheap, efficient and extremely helpful.


Some disappointing news this week. I recommend VistaPrint on
my site for their generous offer of free full-color business
cards. I have some, and they are top-notch.

Why disappointing? Because when I went to get some more
business cards for myself I noticed that the incredible
application that you use to design your cards online had

Apparently, affiliates like me had been saying it took too
long to order cards, and they wanted a quicker, simpler
version. It sucks!

To cut a long story short, you can still use the full-blown
version by visiting their front page directly at - but I don't get any kickback
for sending you there.

They still have an excellent product (I still have a link to
their site, after all), but their marketing department may
need a little "pep-talk"!


  A N S W E R S   O N   A   P O S T C A R D   P L E A S E

             I need help - what just happened?


Here's a puzzler for you.

How can my HTTP 404 handler report to me files that are
missing on someone else's website?

Here is one of 20 emails my site sent me last Saturday:

The file "404;"
  was not found.
Referrer: "".
Browser: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98;
  Win 9x 4.90)".
IP address: "203.94.254.xx".
Time: "4:13".

How bizarre is that? The referrer line *normally* tells me
which of *my* pages had a link to the missing file - so why
tell me that had a problem?


                     F E E D B A C K

            Have something to say? Please share!



Arthur Flintoff:

How can I make it so that when members leave the site they are
logged out apart from linking to MemberLogout.asp?


Just remove the code for storing login info in cookies. That's
the only thing that "keeps them signed in" when they return.

Once the Session times out (after 20 minutes by default) they
will have to sign in again.


Gary Pupurs had a cool idea - here's a summary:

I was reading, where you
say "I had an interesting experience last night. My web site
started sending emails informing me of missing files. I got
over 500 before I FTP'd onto the server and stopped it."

This can be avoided in the future.

If you set an Application variable, Application("LastAlert"),
you can check it and only send an email if >20 minutes have

If <20 minutes, append your alert to a text file or other
Application variable.  Then you can check if there's pending
emails to send during the Session_OnStart events.

That would still alert you immediately if no other errors
recently occurred, but also would limit you to no more than
72 emails a day if, for example, the error occurred on an
include page and was sending an alert for each hit to the site.

Can't take complete credit for this idea, though.  Can't find
the exact reference, but the idea came somewhere from Phillip
and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing,


Mark Johnson:

In using a SQL query string, can one include the value in a
field IF that value is greater than NULL, like:

SELECT [First] + ' ' + [Last] + ',' + [IF [Initials>NULL]]..


Use the iif function, e.g.

SELECT [First]+' '+[Last]+','+iif(IsNull([Initials]),'',[Initials])...


Robert Gibson:

I was excited to hear that there was a way to validate email
addresses, but its another hoax. The SMTP and other validation
does not work!

All that is being checked is the domain, which does not cover

All the user needs to enter is [email protected] and your function
says its valid. It looks like the only way to validate an
address is still to send mail to it, and check the response?


First, check out Hexillion's answer...

..where they say "&#8220;Some SMTP servers will not complain about
bad addresses".

Although no-one can fix the problems caused by lying SMTP
servers, it&#8217;s still useful (IMHO) to check. The user may be
well meaning, but entered a typo. A lot of SMTP servers *DO*
report the correct answer.

I use both. I validate real-time with Hexillion, for my users
benefit, and then I require the user to confirm by clicking
a link in the confirmation email I send. The latter is for
my benefit.


John Raff:

I'm using Access 2000 and get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error &#8216;80040e14&#8217;
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]
Invalid bracketing of name &#8216;[SSI.asp]&#8217;.
/CYA/utils/Footer.asp, line 94

which is the line:

UPDATE Articles SET Hits=Hits+1 WHERE URL=&#8221;SSI.asp&#8221;;


MSDN just talks about brackets, when there aren't any in this

I'm using Access2000, as are many others, so why are you
getting this problem and no-one else? Another puzzle.

Does changing the line to this help:?

oConnection.Execute( 'UPDATE Articles SET Hits=Hits+1 WHERE
URL=\'' + sIncArticlePage + '\'' );

(Unfortunately, my reply got bounced, so John if you're
listening, I want to help - and put the answer on my site!)


            H A V E   I   H E L P E D   Y O U ?

          If I've helped you, help me help others!


I can't go a whole newsletter without asking you to get your
newspaper delivery boy, the milkman and the UPS Guy to vote
for my site - I'll only ask every week for another 3 months,
I promise...

Speak to you next week.

Warmest Regards,

James Shaw

[email protected]

885 Woodstock Road, Suite 430, #108
Roswell, GA 30075-2247, U.S.A.


                S U B S C R I P T I O N S

          Do you want to subscribe or unsubscribe?


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