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Walking through the files

Now we want to walk through all the files in the folder. The Folder object has a collection called Files that contains this list, so we start by creating an Enumerator that can walk this collection:

// create enumerator (like FOR EACH in VBScript)
var eFile = new Enumerator ( oFolder.Files );

// walk through all the files in this folder
while ( !eFile.atEnd ( ) )
   var oFile = eFile.item ( );

   // notify that we have a new file
   fFileNotify ( oFile, nLevel );

   eFile.moveNext ( );

Using an Enumerator is quite simple once you've seen an example. While the atEnd( ) method returns false, keep looping by calling the moveNext( ) method.

Enumerators have an item( ) method which returns the current item from the collection, in this case a File object.

As before, we pass this object to the passed in function, fFileNotify.

Side-bar: Have you noticed how I prefix my variables with a lowercase character? So-called "Hungarian notation", named after Hungarian and Microsoft developer Charles Simonyi, the idea is to allow developers to recognize what type of variable it is.

I use a simpler modified version, but that's why you'll see variables such as sData (for a string), nLevel (for an integer number), oFile (for an object) or fFilenotify (for a function).

Part 4: Walking through the folders...

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