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RSS submissions

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Finally, surveys come to CoverYourASP! I've been wanting to ask you guys and gals questions for a long time, and now I can. It's up to you if you want to answer of course!

Of course, the real benefit to you is that if you tell me what you like I'll probably provide it. If you send in your donations the probability increases rather dramatically!

Take the example survey below if you have the time and inclination. I plan to post more in a special survey category, and start offering incentives to take them.

Afterwards, look at the code. I think you'll be surprised how simple it is to create surveys with this code. This page has one function call in it, with just one parameter - the name of the survey! All questions, answers and results are stored in the database.

There aren't any important instructions when answering these questions - except you don't have to answer any. All are optional - if you don't like a question, or none of the answers are relevant, just move onto the next one!

Are you a professional developer?
Yes, I work full-time
Yes, as a contract developer
No, it's just a hobby
How long have you been a web developer?
I'm just starting
Less than 6 months
Less than a year
Between one and two years
More than two years
How long have you used ASP?
I'm just starting
Less than 6 months
Less than a year
Between one and two years
More than two years
How useful is being able to download the site?
Extremely useful
Quite useful
Not very useful
Would you have paid for the download in advance?
Probably, depending on the cost
Probably not, but I'll donate!
Absolutely not
How would you rate my design and layout?
It sucks
How would you rate the technical content?
It sucks
How would you rate my writing style?
It sucks
Have you subscribed to the newsletter?
If no, why not?
I don't subscribe to newsletters
Just haven't got round to it
Scared of spam (see Privacy below!)
Your articles suck
If yes, how often would you like to receive it?
Whenever an article is updated
Whenever a new article is posted
Once a week
Once every two weeks
Once a month
How often do you visit CoverYourASP?
Most days
Most weeks
Every month
Only when I see links on other sites
Never again!

Please submit the survey first before looking at the source code - this link is on the result page too!

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CoverYourASP Mugs, T-shirts, caps - even Boxer shorts...
I don't make a penny from these, but they're a lot of fun! Don't you need a new mouse mat?

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wherever you see this icon...

You can also download the entire site source code for FREE!

New Proposal Kit Professional 5.1
Brand yourself as a top professional: create quotes and amazing proposals and get many legal documents free!

The latter saved me 3 times the purchase price on the first day I owned it!