"Snippets" are mini-articles - they allow me to very quickly add answers to your frequently asked questions, and add brief explanations for topics that you've searched for without success. So, everytime you send an email or perform a search, chances are a new snippet will be the result!19 Nov: CDONTS vs CDOSYSCDONTS is dead, long live CDOSYS.If you're using Windows 2000 or XP Pro (not XP Home, read why) you'll want to use CDOSYS for email now. It is a more efficient and powerful SMTP component than CDONTS. My code doesn't support CDOSYS though, mainly because I'm using ASP.NET now for all my projects, and now use the awesome aspNetEmail component for email. That said, I found a good article on CDOSYS by Scott Forsyth on the ORCS Web site... |