"Snippets" are mini-articles - they allow me to very quickly add answers to your frequently asked questions, and add brief explanations for topics that you've searched for without success. So, everytime you send an email or perform a search, chances are a new snippet will be the result!31 Jan: I'm looking for job opportunities in Atlanta...UPDATE: I've found a new job, but thanks for your interest. See how I did it.. I'm currently considering job offers, both full-time and contract work, in the North Atlanta, GA area. I'm qualified for two types of jobs: ASP/ASP.NET or C++/Windows. I can go in either direction and am equally suited to both. I have worked on PC applications using C/C++ for 15 years now, but I've also spent considerable time and effort in the last 4 years using ASP and 1 year with ASP.NET. Probably not a surprise since you're reading this on my very popular ASP site! I'm looking for a Developer or Senior Developer/Team Leader position. I currently lead a team of C++ developers, but I work equally as well as a team member. Team leadership is not necessary for me - I'd like to spend most of my time developing, but wouldn't we all! You can view my resume at ShawThing.com, or contact me to discuss any employment opportunities you feel may be suitable. Many thanks, James Shaw |