"Snippets" are mini-articles - they allow me to very quickly add answers to your frequently asked questions, and add brief explanations for topics that you've searched for without success. So, everytime you send an email or perform a search, chances are a new snippet will be the result!30 Nov: Wondering why the diary is blank in the download?Calling ShowDiary.asp with no parameters will display the diary entries for the last month. However, the database in the download is only updated occasionally when a new table or field is added - that doesn't happen very often!As a consequence, your ShowDiary page may look blank. I've updated my code to show a "No entries in the last month were found" message, and that will find its way into the download soon (if it's not there already). Don't believe me? Try visiting ShowDiary.asp?all=1 instead to see all diary entries. |