"Snippets" are mini-articles - they allow me to very quickly add answers to your frequently asked questions, and add brief explanations for topics that you've searched for without success. So, everytime you send an email or perform a search, chances are a new snippet will be the result!16 Sep: Syntax error in FROM clause - using the SECRET passwordIf you're trying to use the SECRET password as described on the security page, you might have come across errors like Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression or Syntax error in FROM clause.If so, you've probably added ?SECRET=1 to the URL, even when the URL has a ? already. For example, use http://localhost/cya/DBEditRecord.asp?table=Affiliates&AffiliateID;=2&SECRET;=1, not http://localhost/cya/DBEditRecord.asp?table=Affiliates&AffiliateID;=2?SECRET=1. |