"Snippets" are mini-articles - they allow me to very quickly add answers to your frequently asked questions, and add brief explanations for topics that you've searched for without success. So, everytime you send an email or perform a search, chances are a new snippet will be the result!18 Sep: Using ALTER TABLE to add a new field to my databaseWhen I created the new section on the front page I needed to add it to the personalize page so that you could turn it on/off. So I needed a new YesNo field in the Members table.Rather than download my Access database, modify it and upload it again (taking down the site in the process) I simply created a simple temporary page that contained the following: DBInitConnection ( ); oConnection.Execute ( 'ALTER TABLE Members ADD bSuggestions YESNO DEFAULT No' ); This modified the database online ready for me to upload the new code. |