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// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000-2002
// by James Shaw. You can use the code for any purpose, but do not
// publish or distribute the content in any way.
// See for up-to-date details.
// ============================================

// declare enums for ShowArticles ( )
var nByDate = 217;
var nByHits = 233;
var nByCategory = 723;

// ============================================
// introduction
// ============================================
function ShowIntro ( )
   ContentTableTop ( 'Introduction' );

      Out ( '<a href="/AboutASP.html">Active Server Pages</a> is fun! If you want to know how to use ASP to create a dynamic web site, you\'ve come to the right place.' );
      Out ( '<p>You can <a href="/CYA.html">download</a> <i>all</i> the source code for this site, FREE. The site is completely self-documenting - every article describes how the site was written and introduces you to <a href="/DBAdmin.html">databases</a>, <a href="/Forms.html">forms</a>, <a href="/ContactDescr.html">email components</a> and all the other things you probably want to do. <a href="/AboutCYA.html">More...</a>' );
   ContentTableBottom ( );
// ============================================
// suggested links
// ============================================
function ShowSuggestions ( )
   ContentTableTop ( 'My personal favorites - a good place to start...' );
      Out ( '<table><tr>' );

      Out ( '<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">' );
         Out ( '<h3>New to ASP?</h3>' );

         Out ( '<table>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/AboutASP.html">Getting started - what is ASP?</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/PWS.html">Running ASP on your home PC</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/MetaTags.html">A simple example: Hiding your META tags</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/ContactDescr.html">Getting feedback emails from a &lt;form&gt;</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/Diary.html">Display data from a database - my diary</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/WalkFolders.html">Walk through your files and folders</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/Columns.html">Implement Yahoo-style categories</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/CreditCards.html">Accept credit cards with ASP</a></td></tr>' );
         Out ( '</table>' );
      Out ( '</td>' );
      Out ( '<td width="1" bgcolor="ff9900">&nbsp;</td>' );
      Out ( '<td width="50%" align="center" valign="top">' );
         Out ( '<h3>Want the good stuff?</h3>' );

         Out ( '<table>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/DownloadCYA.html">Download the code for the entire site</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/DBAdmin.html">Administer your database online</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/MemberCode.html">The CoverYourASP membership system</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/BannerApp.html">A complete banner advertising system</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/DontRender.html">Using &lt;% %&gt; correctly in ASP</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/ValidateEmail.html">Validate your email addresses</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/DBException.html">Exception handling</a></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td align="left">&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="/SurveyDescr.html">Database-driven surveys with one function</a></td></tr>' );
         Out ( '</table>' );
      Out ( '</td>' );

      Out ( '</tr></table>' );

   ContentTableBottom ( );
// ============================================
// links to hidden content
// ============================================
function ShowHidden ( )
   ContentTableTop ( 'Personalize this page' );

   // show links to content if any is not shown
   // because of personalization settings
   // (ignore the intro though)
   if ( !bDiary || !bSuggestions || !nNew || !nPopular || !bCategories || !bNews || !nNewSnippets || !nPopularSnippets )
      if ( !IsLoggedIn ( ) )
         Out ( '<b>Did you know?</b> You can choose the content on this page when you <a href="/MemberLogin.html">sign in as a member</a> - it\'s free to join, no personal info, no spam!' );
         Out ( '<p><b>More great stuff:</b>' );
         Out ( '<p>Content you\'ve hidden:<br>' );

      if ( !bDiary )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?Diary">The&nbsp;Diary</a>' );

      if ( !bSuggestions )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?Suggestions">Suggested&nbsp;articles</a>' );

      if ( !nNew )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?New">What\'s&nbsp;New?</a>' );

      if ( !nPopular )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?Popular">What\'s&nbsp;Popular</a>' );

      if ( !bCategories )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?Categories">Article&nbsp;by&nbsp;Category</a>' );

      if ( !nNewSnippets )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?NewSnippets">New&nbsp;snippets</a>' );

      if ( !nPopularSnippets )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?PopularSnippets">Popular&nbsp;snippets</a>' );

      if ( !bNews )
         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="AllContent.asp?News">ASPWire&nbsp;News</a>' );

      // has anything been personalized?
      if ( IsLoggedIn ( ) && nNew == 3 && nPopular == 3 && nNewSnippets == 5 && nPopularSnippets == 0 )
         Out ( '<p><center><a href="/Personalize.html">Make your life easier at CoverYourASP - personalize the site!</a></center>' );

   ContentTableBottom ( );

// ============================================
// diary - assume DBInitConnection called already
// ============================================
function ShowDiary ( )
   ContentTableTop ( 'The Diary - bug fixes, thoughts, hints and tips...&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="/Diary.html"><font color="black">(how is this done?)</font></a>' );

   // the diary section - thoughts and fixes
   if ( -1 != sAgent.indexOf ( 'msie 6' ) && '' != Request.QueryString ( 'ShowIE6' ) )
      // buggy IE6: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0b; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.2914)
      // released IE6: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.0.2914)
      InlineDiary ( );
      Out ( '<iframe src="/ShowDiary.html" width="100%" height="150" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">' );
         Out ( '[Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured  not to display frames. However, you may visit <A href="/ShowDiary.html">the related document.</A>]' );
      Out ( '</iframe>' );

   ContentTableBottom ( );

// ============================================
// show diary entries inline if iframe not supported
// ============================================
function InlineDiary ( )
   DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT TOP 2 DiaryDate,Entry FROM Diary ORDER BY DiaryDate DESC' );

   // find anything?
   if ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
      var sLastDate;

      while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
         var sDate = FormatDateDM ( oRecordSet ( 0 ) );

         // show date if it's changed
         if ( sDate != sLastDate )
            if ( sLastDate != undefined )
               Out ( '</td></tr></table><hr color="#ff9900">' );

            Out ( '<table border=0 cellpadding=3>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td><b>' + sDate + '</b></td></tr>' );
            Out ( '<tr><td>' );

            sLastDate = sDate;
            Out ( '<p>&#0149;&nbsp;' );

         Out ( oRecordSet ( 1 ) + '<br>' );


      if ( sLastDate != undefined )
         Out ( '<p><a href="/ShowDiary.html">View the diary for the last month..</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="ShowDiary.asp?all=1">View entire diary..</a>' );
         Out ( '</td></tr></table>' );

// ============================================
// articles by date
// ============================================
function ShowNew ( nShowNew )
   // the what's new section - the last articles to be published
   ShowArticles ( 'What\'s new? The articles I\'ve been working on recently...', nByDate, nShowNew );

// ============================================
// articles by hits
// ============================================
function ShowPopular ( nShowPopular )
   // the what's popular section - the most popular articles
   ShowArticles ( 'What\'s popular? Read what your peers think is most interesting!', nByHits, nShowPopular );

// ============================================
// articles by category
// ============================================
function ShowCategories ( )
   ShowArticles ( 'Articles by category', nByCategory );

// ============================================
// snippets by date
// ============================================
function ShowNewSnippets ( nShowNew )
   // the what's new section - the last articles to be published
   ShowSnippets ( 'New snippets...', nByDate, nShowNew );

// ============================================
// snippets by hits
// ============================================
function ShowPopularSnippets ( nShowPopular )
   // the what's popular section - the most popular articles
   ShowSnippets ( 'Popular snippets...', nByHits, nShowPopular );

// ============================================
// Aspin categories + ASPWire news feed
// ============================================
function ShowASPExternal ( )
   Out ( '<a name="News"></a>' );

   ContentTableTop ( 'The most up to date ASP news from all over the web...' );

      Out ( '<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center">' );
      Out ( '<tr><td width="50%" nowrap valign="top">' );

         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomewebapps.html"><b>Applications</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomewebappsadmanage.html">Ad Manager</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomewebappsbbs.html">  BBS</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );

         Out ( '<a href="/"><b>ASP.NET Directory</b></a><br><i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.411asp.nethomewebapps.html">Apps</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.411asp.nethomecomponents.html">  Assemblies</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomebooks.html"><b>Books &amp; Media</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomebooksasp.html">ASP</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomebookscomponen.html">Components</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomebooksdatabase.html">Db</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecommunity.html"><b>Community</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecommunityaspclass.html">Classes</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecommunityconferen.html">Conferences</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecomponents.html"><b>Components</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecomponentsbrowser.html">Browser Utilities</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomecomponentsbbs.html">  BBS</a>, ...</i>' );

      Out ( '</td><td width="50%" nowrap valign="top">' );

         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomesites.html"><b>Other ASP Sites</b></a>&nbsp;<br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomesitesaspdev.html">Developers</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomesitesasphosts.html"> Hosts</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomereferences.html"><b>References</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomereferencescasestud.html">Case Studies</a>, <a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomereferencesdatabase.html">Db</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomesoftware.html"><b>Software &amp; Server</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhomesoftwareapplicat.html">Application Servers</a>,&nbsp;...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhometutorial.html"><b> Tutorials &amp; Code</b></a><br>' );
         Out ( '<i><a href="/eu_url_httpcoveryourasp.htmlin.comhometutorialapplicat.html">Application Making</a>, ...</i><br><br>' );
         Out ( '<b>Powered&nbsp;By:</b>&nbsp;<br><a href="/"><img align="textTop" border="0" height="30" src="" width="130"></a>' );
      Out ( '</td></tr>' );
      Out ( '</table><p><hr color="#ff9900">' );


   ContentTableBottom ( );

// ============================================
// show the articles table ordered by various methods
// ============================================
function ShowArticles ( sTitle, nSortBy, nNumber )
   var sSortBy;
   var bShowFullDescr;
   var bMouseOver = false;    // set to true to add descriptions to category links

   switch ( nSortBy )
   case nByDate:
      sSortBy = 'UpdateDate DESC';
      bShowFullDescr = true;

   case nByHits:
      sSortBy = 'Hits DESC';
      bShowFullDescr = true;

   case nByCategory:
      sSortBy = 'Category,ShortDescr';
      bShowFullDescr = false;

      if ( bMouseOver )
         sTitle += ' - hover mouse to get description!';


   DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT Category,PublishDate,UpdateDate,ShortDescr,LongDescr,URL,Hits FROM Articles ORDER BY ' + sSortBy );

   // find anything?
   if ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
      ContentTableTop ( sTitle );

      Out ( '<table>' );

      if ( bShowFullDescr )
         var i = 0;

         while ( !oRecordSet.EOF && i++ < nNumber )
            // the category (strip off first two chars used for sorting)
            var sCategory = "" + oRecordSet ( 0 );

            sCategory = sCategory.slice ( 2 );

            // the description (strip off first two chars used for sorting)
            var sDescription = "" + oRecordSet ( 3 );

            sDescription = sDescription.slice ( 2 );

            Out ( '<tr><td>' );

               // the short description of the article, as a hyperlink
               Out ( '<b><a href="' + oRecordSet ( 5 ) + '">' + sDescription + '</a></b>' );

            Out ( '</td></tr>' );

            Out ( '<tr><td>' );

               Out ( '<table cellpadding=3>' );
               Out ( '<tr><td>' );
                  // the long description of the article
                  Out ( '' + oRecordSet ( 4 ) );
               Out ( '</td></tr>' );

               // show footer (category, date, hits)
               Out ( '<tr><td>' );
                  // the category
                  Out ( '<i>From <b>' + sCategory + '</b>, ' );

                  // the date last updated, or the date first published
                  if ( oRecordSet ( 2 ) > oRecordSet ( 1 ) )
                     Out ( 'updated ' + FormatDateDM ( oRecordSet ( 2 ) ) );
                     Out ( 'published ' + FormatDateDM ( oRecordSet ( 1 ) ) );

                  // number of times viewed
                  Out ( ', ' + oRecordSet ( 6 ) + ' views</i>' );

               Out ( '</td></tr>' );

               Out ( '</table><hr color="#ff9900">' );

            Out ( '</td></tr>' );


         if ( oRecordSet.EOF )
            bShowFullDescr = false;
         var sLastCategory;

         while ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
            // the category (strip off first two chars used for sorting)
            var sCategory = "" + oRecordSet ( 0 );

            sCategory = sCategory.slice ( 2 );

            // show category if it's changed
            if ( sCategory != sLastCategory )
               Out ( '</td></tr>' );

               Out ( '<tr bgcolor="#ff9900"><td>' + sCategory + '<br></td></tr>' );

               Out ( '<tr><td>' );

               sLastCategory = sCategory;

            // the description (strip off first two chars used for sorting)
            var sDescription = "" + oRecordSet ( 3 );

            sDescription = sDescription.slice ( 2 );

            // mouseover text - uses title attribute to
            // display full description on hyperlink
            var sMouseOver = '';

            if ( bMouseOver )
               sMouseOver = ' title="' + oRecordSet ( 4 ) + ' - ' + oRecordSet ( 6 ) + ' views"';

            // the short description of the article, as a hyperlink
            Out ( '&#0149;&nbsp;<a href="' + oRecordSet ( 5 ) + '"' + sMouseOver + '>' + sDescription + '</a><br>' );


         Out ( '</td></tr>' );

      Out ( '</table>' );

      if ( bShowFullDescr )
         Out ( '<a href="/AllArticles.html">See a complete list of all my articles...</a>' );

      ContentTableBottom ( );

// ============================================
// show snippets ordered by various methods
// ============================================
function ShowSnippets ( sTitle, nSortBy, nNumber )
   var sSortBy;
   var bShowFullDescr;

   switch ( nSortBy )
   case nByDate:
      sSortBy = 'PublishDate DESC';
      bShowFullDescr = true;

   case nByHits:
      sSortBy = 'Hits DESC';
      bShowFullDescr = true;


   DBGetRecords ( 'SELECT SnippetID,PublishDate,Title,Hits FROM Snippets ORDER BY ' + sSortBy );

   // find anything?
   if ( !oRecordSet.EOF )
      ContentTableTop ( sTitle );

      Out ( '<table>' );

      var i = 0;

      while ( !oRecordSet.EOF && i++ < nNumber )
         Out ( '<tr><td>' );

            if ( nSortBy == nByDate )
               Out ( FormatDateDM ( oRecordSet ( 1 ) ) + ':' );
               Out ( oRecordSet ( 3 ) + ' views:' );

         Out ( '</td><td>' );

            // the title of the snippet, as a hyperlink
            Out ( '<b><a href="Snippet.asp?snip=' + oRecordSet ( 0 ) + '">' + oRecordSet ( 2 ) + '</a></b>' );

         Out ( '</td></tr>' );


      if ( oRecordSet.EOF )
         bShowFullDescr = false;

      Out ( '</table>' );

      ContentTableBottom ( );

   if ( bShowFullDescr )
      Out ( '<a href="AllSnippets.asp">See a complete list of all my snippets...</a>' );

Hopefully much of this is self-explanatory. If not, or if you see ways that I can improve the code, please drop me a line.

To see the source code for this page, click on the icon below.

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