CoverYourASP --> "/Date.html" --> Source

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<!--#include file = "/include/Startup.html"-->

// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000-2002
// by James Shaw. You can use the code for any purpose, but do not
// publish or distribute the content in any way.
// See for up-to-date details.
// ============================================

// output relevant meta tags
Init( "Dynamic content - the time!" );

// output common top of page
Header( 'Dynamic content' );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer( );

// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )
   Out ( '<td valign="top" class="content">' );

      Out ( '<b>' + GetDate ( ) + '</b>' );

      Out ( '<p>This is an excellent example of how pages are generated dynamically by ASP. Look at the HTML source (use View/Source in Internet Explorer) and all that you\'ll see is the date as if the HTML was written that way.' );

      Out ( '<p>And that\'s exactly what\'s happened in fact, but rather than me writing the HTML in my editor, my ASP page has.' );
      Out ( '<p>You can see my actual ASP source code by clicking on the icon below.' );

      Out ( '<p><center><a href="ShowSource.asp?page=Date"><img src="images/source.gif" border=0></a></center>' );


   Out ( '</td>' );
   Out ( '<td background="/images/gx/navgap.gif" valign="top">' );

      // show rotating banners
      ShowBanners ( 1 );

   Out ( '</td>' );

// ============================================
// returns a formatted string containing todays time and date
// ============================================
function GetDate ( )
   var dateToday = new Date();
   var sDays = new Array ( "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" );

   var sDate = 'Here in Atlanta it\'s ' + sDays[dateToday.getDay()] + ", ";

   // work out which suffix to append
   var nDate = dateToday.getDate();
   var nMod = nDate % 10;
   var sSuffix = "th";

   if ( nDate < 10 || nDate > 20 )
      if ( nMod == 1 )
         sSuffix = "st";
      else if ( nMod == 2 )
         sSuffix = "nd";
      else if ( nMod == 3 )
         sSuffix = "rd";

   // note: don't bother adding <SUP> to the suffix - it's too small
   sDate += nDate + sSuffix + " ";

   var sMonths = new Array ( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" );

   sDate += sMonths[dateToday.getMonth()];

   // now the time..
   sDate += ' at ';

   if ( dateToday.getMinutes() < 7 )
      sDate += 'just after';
   else if ( dateToday.getMinutes() < 22 )
      sDate += 'quarter past';
   else if ( dateToday.getMinutes() < 37 )
      sDate += 'half past';
      dateToday.setHours ( dateToday.getHours () + 1 );

      if ( dateToday.getMinutes() < 52 )
         sDate += 'quarter to';
         sDate += 'just before';

   sDate += ' ';

   if ( dateToday.getHours ()  == 0 )
      sDate += 'midnight';
   else if ( dateToday.getHours () < 12 )
      sDate += dateToday.getHours () + ' in the morning';
   else if ( dateToday.getHours () == 12 )
      sDate += 'midday';
   else if ( dateToday.getHours () < 18 )
      sDate += (dateToday.getHours () - 12) + ' in the afternoon';
      sDate += (dateToday.getHours () - 12) + ' at night';
   sDate += '. (ish)';

   return sDate;

Hopefully much of this is self-explanatory. If not, or if you see ways that I can improve the code, please drop me a line.

To see the source code for this page, click on the icon below.

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