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CoverYourASP --> "/DBEditTable.html" --> Source
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<!--#include file = "/include/Startup.html"-->

// ============================================
// NOTE: all source code downloaded from CoverYourASP was written by
// James Shaw (unless stated otherwise), and is copyright (c) 2000 by
// James Shaw. You may use this source code on your web sites, but
// please don't publish or distribute in any way.
// I would appreciate an HTML comment in any code you use, i.e.
//         <!-- portions (c) [email protected]>
// (see Footer(), documented in SSI.asp for details on how to do this)
// <shameless plug>
//      Please contact me to discuss any ASP contract work you may have.
// </shameless plug>
// ============================================

// get password from URL - see utils/Init.asp
LookForMagicWord ( );

// increment the parent articles counter
sIncArticlePage = '/DBAdmin.html';

// get table name
var sTableName = "" + Request.QueryString ( 'table' );

if ( sTableName == "undefined" )
   sTableName = 'Articles';

// output relevant meta tags
Init( 'Database administration - editing table "' + sTableName + '"' );

// output common top of page
Header( '<a href="DBAdmin.asp?pad=1' + sMagicWord + '">Database administration</a> --> Editing table "' + sTableName + '"' );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer( );

// ============================================
// the content of this page - every page has a function 'Content' that
// is called above.
// ============================================
function Content ( )
   Out ( '<td colspan=3 width="100%" valign="top">' );

      ShowAd ( );

      Out ( 'This page shows the records in the table "' + sTableName + '", one page of 10 records at a time. All the information on this page comes from the database - the names of the fields, the data itself and even the page-handling is done by the RecordSet object.' );

      Out ( '<p>You can browse through the pages, add new records or edit/delete individual records. Go ahead! Don\'t worry about hurting anything - you won\'t be able to save any changes. To understand how this security works, <a href="/Security.html">read this page</a>.' );

      // has the sort form been submitted?
      var sSort = '';
      var sSortField = '' + Request.QueryString ( 'sortfield' );
      var sSortDirn = '' + Request.QueryString ( 'sortdirn' );
      var sCurrSortURL = '';

      if ( sSortField != 'undefined' )
         sSort = ' ORDER BY ' + sSortField;
         sCurrSortURL = '&sortfield=' + sSortField;

         if ( sSortDirn != 'undefined' )
            sSort += ' ' + sSortDirn;
            sCurrSortURL += '&sortdirn=' + sSortDirn;

      // open connection
      DBInitConnection ( );

      // get the fields from the table or simulate
      // some data if it's a protected table
      var bHideContents = false;
      var sLowerCase = sTableName.toLowerCase ( );

      // remove brackets
      sLowerCase = sLowerCase.replace ( /\[|\]/g, '' );

      switch ( sLowerCase )
      case 'mailinglist':
      case 'members':
      case 'banners':
      case 'bannerstats':
         bHideContents = true;

      var sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM ' + sTableName;

      if ( !bValidUser && bHideContents )
         Out ( '<p><font color="blue">(<b>Note:</b> The "' + sTableName + '" table is an exception - you can\'t even view this one fully. Only a small subset of the table is visible to you without the <a href="/Security.html">password</a>)</font>' );

         switch ( sLowerCase )
         case 'mailinglist':
            sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM MailingList WHERE Email LIKE \'%@shawthing.com\'';

         case 'members':
            sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Email LIKE \'%@coveryourasp.com\'';

         case 'banners':
            sSQL = 'SELECT * FROM Banners WHERE MemberID=1';

         case 'bannerstats':
            sSQL = 'SELECT BannerDate,BannerStats.BannerID,ImpressionCount,ClickCount FROM BannerStats INNER JOIN Banners ON BannerStats.BannerID = Banners.BannerID WHERE MemberID=1';

            // quick and dirty fix to stop error when sorting by BannerID
            if ( -1 != sSort.toLowerCase( ).indexOf ( 'bannerid' ) )
               sSort = '';
               Out ( '<h5><font color="blue">Sorry, you cannot sort by BannerID in this table</h5>' );

      // trap any error that occurs in case
      // QueryString is modified ;-)
         // open the recordset
         oRecordSet.Open ( sSQL + sSort, oConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText );

         // get number of records
         var nRecs = oRecordSet.RecordCount;

         // get number of fields
         var nFields = oRecordSet.Fields.Count;

         // set page size
         oRecordSet.PageSize = 10;

         // which page am I displaying?
         var nPage = Request.QueryString ( 'page' ) - 0;

         if ( isNaN ( nPage ) )
            nPage = 1;

         // how many pages are there?
         var nPageCount = oRecordSet.PageCount;

         // set current page
         oRecordSet.AbsolutePage = nPage;

         // general table options and navigation
         Out ( '<p><center><a href="DBAddRecord.asp?table=' + sTableName + sMagicWord + '">Add new record</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Navigate:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' );

         var sLink = '<a href="DBEditTable.asp?table=' + sTableName + sMagicWord + '&page=';

         if ( nPage > 1 )
            Out ( sLink + 1 + sCurrSortURL + '">|&lt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + sLink + (nPage-1) + sCurrSortURL + '">&lt;&lt;</a>' );
            Out ( '|&lt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&lt;' );

         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' );

         if ( nPage < nPageCount )
            Out ( sLink + (nPage+1) + sCurrSortURL + '">&gt;&gt;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + sLink + nPageCount + sCurrSortURL + '">&gt;|</a> ' );
            Out ( '&gt;&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;| ' );

         Out ( '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Page ' + nPage + ' of ' + nPageCount + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + nRecs + ' records</center>' );

         Out ( '<p><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>' );

         // show all field names as headings
         Out ( '<tr>' );

         Out ( '<td><b>Action</b></td>' );

         for ( var i=0; i<nFields; i++ )
            var sField = '' + oRecordSet.Fields ( i ).Name;
            var sSortURL = sLink + nPage + '&sortfield=' + sField;

            if ( sSortDirn == 'desc' )
               sSortURL += '&sortdirn=asc';
               sSortURL += '&sortdirn=desc';

            Out ( '<td><b>|' + sSortURL + '">' + sField + '</a></b></td>' );

         Out ( '</tr>' );

         // ======================================
         // store the name of the first field - NOTE that I assume
         // when editing or deleting records that this field is unique!
         // ======================================
         var sUniqueField = "" + oRecordSet.Fields ( 0 ).Name;

         // used to alternate row color
         var bColor=1;

         // loop through all records on this page
         for ( var nPerPage=0; !oRecordSet.EOF && nPerPage<oRecordSet.PageSize; nPerPage++)
            if ( bColor )
               Out ( '<tr bgcolor="#ff9900">' );
               Out  ( '<tr>' );

            // put links to edit/delete record pages
            sLink = '?table=' + sTableName + '&' + sUniqueField + '=';

            // wrap value in "" if its a string type
            switch ( oRecordSet ( 0 ).Type )
            case 7:      // date
            case 133:   // date
            case 134:   // time
            case 135:   // date/time
               sLink += Server.URLEncode ( '#' + FormatDateDMY ( oRecordSet ( 0 ) ) + '#' );

            case 8:      // BSTR
            case 129:   // string
            case 130:   // unicode string
            case 200:   // string
            case 201:   // long string
            case 202:   // unicode string
            case 203:   // long string
               sLink += '\'' + oRecordSet ( 0 ) + '\'';

               sLink += oRecordSet ( 0 );

            sLink += sMagicWord;
            Out ( '<td><a href="DBEditRecord.asp' + sLink + '">Edit</a><br><a href="DBDeleteRecord.asp' + sLink + '">Delete</a></td>' );

            bColor = 1-bColor;
            // loop through all fields in this record
            for ( var i=0; i<nFields; i++)
               var oField = oRecordSet ( i );
               var sText;

               // show prettier dates
               if ( oField.Type == 7/*date*/ )
                  sText = FormatDateDMY ( oField );
                  sText = "" + Server.HTMLEncode ( '' + oField );

               // for brevity show the first x characters only
               if ( sText.length > 35 )
                  sText = sText.slice ( 0, 35 ) + '...';

               Out ( '<td>' + sText + '</td>' );

            Out ( '</tr>' );
            oRecordSet.MoveNext ( );

         Out ( '</table>' );

         // release connection
         DBReleaseConnection ( );
      catch ( e )
         // display warning that error occurred
         DatabaseException ( e );

      Out ( '<p><center><a href="/ShowSource_page_DBEditTable.html"><img src="/images/source.gif" border=0></a></center>' );

   Out ( '</td>' );

Hopefully much of this is self-explanatory. If not, or if you see ways that I can improve the code, please drop me a line.

To see the source code for this page, click on the icon below.

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A division of ShawThing.com.